HEADWAY EP is Benya's first solo release, due out 9/3/21.
TILLING THE FALLOW is Benya's first full-length solo album. It is being produced in collaboration with Mark Speer of Trajan Productions in Lakewood, Ohio.
BENYA joined THE CHIVALROUS CRICKETS in August 2020. The group was once based in Manhattan but now scattered through New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Benya's childhood friends, Fiona Gillespie and Paul Morton (founding members of the band), welcomed him to co-record an EP that became a short album entitled "The Pavorreal Sessions." This was self-recorded (thanks to Paul) and mixed by Joel Metzler (Philadelphia, PA).
BENYA has been playing with the Hill Spirits (Athens, Ohio) since the Summer of 2018. The folk quintet forms the basis of his musical endeavors, a sturdy foundation from which he has been able to launch himself into more projects and his own solo career.
The self-titled full-length album, to which Benya contributed rhythm guitar and vocals, is at last available as a vinyl album.
SLAVALACHIA is a collaborative project connecting musicians from APPALACHIA, BELARUS and UKRAINE. Though stymied by COVID, the project is at last back on, beginning with an Artist Residency deep in the Carpathian Mountains beginning August 19, 2021.
Recordings will be produced this summer. In the meantime, enjoy the music video we put together last August!